Thursday, March 1, 2007

Bilk experiment

Japan's latest crazy in beer: bilk. Bilk is a combination of milk and beer, since they ended up throwing out all this milk last year. I did a couple tests to see if this is any goood. Now they ferment the milk in the process, I just added milk to a couple beers I had in the house. It's 1 part milk 2 parts beer.

First up was Miller Lite. Notice the color of the mixer. It's like dirty milk. It really didn't taste that much different then it normally does. The carbination is less, but it isn't completely flat. Overall it didn't make much of a difference.

Next up is Guinness. Now the color change is noticable. The taste: not so good. It takes all the awesome flavor of Guinness away and leaves only bad taste in it's wake. This is NOT a great idea to do. Overall it was bad. Also the milk kinda curdled at the bottom of the glass.

More to come...maybe. Gonna try it with my Homebrew next.


Unknown said...

It doesn't look as gross as it seems like it ought to.

Geoffrey said...

No, in fact it looks kinda good. The Guinness kinda looks like chocolate milk.